Privacy Policy

We have created this page to inform visitors about Grynow Media FZ LLC policies on collecting, managing, using, and disclosing the personal information of anyone accessing this website.

By choosing to access this website and buying our products and services, you at this moment give your consent to the guidelines of this privacy policy. Please exit this website if you do not comply with any/all terms of this privacy policy.

Grynow Media FZ LLC reserves the right to update the privacy policy page without prior notification or reasons. We advise our visitors to check for changes to be on top of things. The changes are implemented immediately after re-uploading this page.

What personal information do we collect

Grynow Media FZ LLC collects personal data from our visitors for research, website improvement, personalized services, and marketing. The information we collect includes but not limited to -

  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • First name and last name
  • Company name
  • IP address, device type, resolution, browser, operating system, etc.
  • Age, gender, and location.
  • Browsing pattern
  • Internet service provider

By filling the contact form, you authorize our company to converse/communicate the marketing communication.

How do we collect personal information

Grynow Media FZ LLC collects our visitor's personal information through the use of -

  • Cookies
  • Analytic software
  • Surveys
  • Forms
  • Newsletter sign-ups
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Point of sale (POS) systems

How we use personal data

Grynow Media FZ LLC uses your information to give better user experiences

  • When providing our services
  • By sending timely updates about our product and service changes
  • By sending notifications about our new product launches and/or policy changes.
  • Personalized ads
  • By ensuring faster fulfillment of your product, service, and information requests.
  • Providing access to exclusive benefits on our website.

Retention and Disclosure of Personal Data

Grynow Media FZ LLC will retain your personal information as long as it is needed to provide our services.

Grynow Media FZ LLC will retain the use of your personal information to an extent where it is needed for us to fulfill our legal obligations, resolve queries, and enforce our policies.

Grynow Media FZ LLC does not disclose, share, sell, or rent your personal information to third-party entities.

Grynow Media FZ LLC reserves the right to update/ change the privacy policy in future.